Payment of Subs

Payment of Subs

Can I gently remind those who have yet to pay their subscriptions that these should be made soon. Jon Gilbert has to pay zone fees to the WCU by the end of October. If Dave Norris could receive the subs then he will forward payment to Jon Gilbert. Many thanks David

New Website Design

New Website Design

With the new season starting, I thought we’d try a new website design. I have migrated the site to a new host so that we can utilise Chess plugins and see some games that we play during the season. If there is anything you want to put on then let me know!

Newport Chess Congress

Newport Chess Congress

Can we say a big thank you to all the Malpas Chess players who entered the Newport Congress last weekend. I think it was a great experience for some and we hope that it can be a regular fixture in the chess calendar. Congratulations to Ron W who managed to come joint 3rd in the…