Quickplay League Schedule Announced
The Quickplay schedule has been released and the Malpas games are published below:
The Quickplay schedule has been released and the Malpas games are published below:
We are moving to the Malpas Unionist Club on Monday 9th September, 6.30pm. To celebrate, we cordially invite members of the Gwent League to come and join us for a 10 min Rapid play competition. The competition will start at 7.00pm at the above Venue. Clocks will have 10min each with 10 sec increments from…
There is an event hosted by Newport Chess Club on Wednesday the 4th September 2024 at 7pm held at the Pen and Wig, Stow Hill, Newport. It is a Chess 960 event. Chess 960 is played with randomised positioning of major pieces although they are matched for both white and black. This enables players to…
The Gwent fixtures for Division 1 and Division 2 are now available and the Malpas games can be found under the Gwent League item on the menu of this site. Note that Division 1 is a 4 board league team; whereas, Division 2 is a 3 board league team. Also the names of the players…
With the new season starting, I thought we’d try a new website design. I have migrated the site to a new host so that we can utilise Chess plugins and see some games that we play during the season. If there is anything you want to put on then let me know!
We are gearing up at after Easter to get the ball rolling with spreading the word about the Newport Chess Congress. Here is a flyer. Details can be found at https://newportchesscongress.uk Please feel free to start spreading the word!
Can I gently remind those who have yet to pay their subscriptions that these should be made soon. Jon Gilbert has to pay zone fees to the WCU by the end of October. If Dave Norris could receive the subs then he will forward payment to Jon Gilbert. Many thanks David